Okay . . . okay, so I really don't 'know' Brett. He's another one of my contact/friends found on Facebook. (Jesus, that invention . . . Facebook . . . really has reshaped the social/literary world in so many ways, hasn't it!). Still, the idea that (A) I like his books, and (B) the man was gracious enough to allow me to bug him with a lot of questions, really made my day.
If you don't know Brett's work, you need to discover it. He writes the spy genre. He has an on-going character by the name of Johnathan Quinn who is, some believe, a little bit meaner than, say, a Jason Bourne. An unusual character whose main occupation is to go in and 'clean up' someone else's messes. Those messes being, you know, dead bodies . . . lots of blood . . . incriminating evidence . . . getting rid of witnesses.
Enough of this prologue. Let's get down to the interview. I think you're going to enjoy it.
1. You've mention on
several occasions that it was your parents who instilled in you the love of
reading. Tell us, which parent was the most influential. You've mentioned your
father and his love for science-fiction. Anything from your mother? Finally, when
and how did you branch off in your own reading preferences?
They were both influential
in their own way, both very encouraging of my reading habit. Both read to me
when I was young, and almost everyday before I went to sleep until I was old
enough to do it on my own. That, probably more than any other one thing,
instilled the love of a good story. I remember them reading me Swiss Family
Robinson, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, and Treasure Island in particular…all
thrillers/adventures. I also remember my father would come home from work every
day and sit in the living room reading for about 30 minutes or so before we
even ate dinner. My mom would also read, but more during the day when we were
all at school and work. I think she thought I was reading too much science
fiction at one point, and bought me the novel about Jerimiah Johnson to give me
something else to think about. Of course I had zero interest in westerns at
that time so put it on the shelf and didn’t read it. Could kick myself now.
Not sure when or why I
augmented my sci-fi love with more intrigue/adventure stories, but at some
point I found myself adding Alistair MacLean and Jack Higgins to my regular
rotation of Robert Heinlein, Arthur C. Clarke, and Isaac Asimov. Later, sci-fi
took more of a back seat as I found Robert Ludlum and eventually one of my all
time favorites to this day Stephen King. Whenever a new King book comes out I
automatically move it to the top of my reading pile.
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The Cleaner |
2. Genre writing; how easy,
or how difficult, is it? In genre just about every plot/character/situation has
not only been thought up, but written and rewritten countless times. So how do
you in particular find success, and how would any novice find success?I guess I don’t think about
it in terms of easy/not easy. Writing adventure stories and thrillers just
comes naturally to me. I think this is largely due to those early reading
habits. And sure, most plots have been written a million times, but each author
comes at it from his or her own perspective. To me, it’s the characters that
drive a story. If you have interesting, three dimensional characters, you
should be able to retell just about any basic plot and still engage your
readership. That said, I always try to be as original as possible and not go
with the easy angle on any story. I’m like a reader when I write. I want to
enjoy the story, too.
3. I have to admit I am
fascinated by your Jonathan Quinn character. You describe him as a 'cleaner.'
For the audience, describe for us what is a cleaner--and tell us how this
specific character came to mind.
A cleaner, in Quinn’s case
anyway, is a person who works in the world of espionage with the very specific
task of making bodies disappear. I don’t mean killing the target, but coming in
after the target is dead, removing the body, and either making it look like
nothing ever happened or confusing the crime scene so no one will realize the
truth. A successful job is one where no one ever discovers the body again. Of
course things don’t always go as planned, and while the majority of Quinn’s
jobs come off without a hitch, it’s those wayward ones I write about in the
Quinn’s origin with me is a
bit murky in the scene I can’t point at an exact moment. I knew I wanted to
write an international based thriller, and I had always been drawn to the spy
world (thank you Mr. Ludlum), but I didn’t just want to create another James
Bond or Jason Bourne. I was looking for something different. Eventually, over
the course of probably a couple of years, Quinn developed in my mind to the
point where I was finally ready to sit down and write the story.
4. You are doing several
series/character-driven novels at the same time. Come on, tell us . . . which
one is your favorite. And why so?
HA! No way. Love them all
for different reasons. Quinn I love because a) he’s my first, b) the
international aspect appeals to me, and c) I love the continuing storyline
between my main characters. The Logan Harper books I love because a) though
Logan has training, he’s more of a regular guy who gets pulled into things, b)
there’s a bit more mystery/solving a case involved, and c) I love writing about
the relationship between Logan and his 80 year old father Harp. The Project
Eden Thrillers are a blast because a) when you’re writing about an organization
bent on wiping out 99% of mankind to give humanity a reboot, you can really
stretch your creativity, b) I love the relentless pace of these books and
telling the story through multiple points of view scattered around the global,
and c) I’m able to create a level of suspense that even makes me nervous.
5. What's your take on this
conflict between epublishing and traditional publishing. Will one destroy the
other? Will they eventually find a happy eq uilibrium between themselves? More
importantly, do you think one will become, for the writer, more financially
viable over the other?
Hmmm, this is a tough
subject. I really don’t know if an equilibrium will be reached or not. It is
definitely a changing world. The thing about ebooks is that because places like
Amazon and Barnesandnoble.com have allowed the uploading of books by anyone,
authors now have something we have never had before…direct access to
distribution. This is a fantastic development as it allows authors to be in
full control of their careers if they want. Many mid-list writers now have a
second chance at the writing world. It used to be if a publisher dumped you and
you didn’t immediately get picked up by another publisher, the reading world
never heard from you again. It didn’t matter if a series was in the middle or
not, you were done. That is no longer the case. And while this opening of the
gates to anyone who wants to publish means a lot of crap is getting up there,
readers aren’t stupid. They can sample a book and immediately see if it is any
good or not. Good books will always rise to the top and I think those write
those books will be able to make a decent, if not excellent, living from this
new direct to reader method. I know I’m writing full time, and pretty much most
of my income (minus some royalties from my earlier books I get twice a year) is
from my ebook sales. The other thing about ebooks is that I can write whatever
I want and not be concerned that it will never see the light of day. For
instance, my novel SICK was twice rejected in proposal form by traditional
publishing, and it is my best reviewed book and has sold very well. So much so
I wrote a sequel and am now working on the third book in the series.
6. In this struggle between
epublishing and traditional publishing, what influence does the writer have in
this struggle. Do publishers, in your opinion, consider the ideas and reactions
of their writers? Or are writers nothing but pawns to be moved in a gigantic
chess game?
I guess the influence would
be that many writers who go the independent publishing route, writers who were
once under contract by traditional publishers, are making very good money now,
more than publishers probably realize. I’m sure as that message sinks in more,
it’ll have some kind of effect. What? I don’t know. As far as the other two
questions, I don’t have any idea what they are thinking, and, honestly, don’t
worry about it at this point. I’m very focused on writing the absolute best
books I can, and getting the word out about them. In essence I’m Brett Battles
Publishing House now, so that’s where all my energies need to be focused.
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The Deceived |
7. Coming back to genre
writing, and especially writing a series. Question; for a writer, how long does
a series . . . an on-going character . . . live? What are the signs that
indicate to a writer their creations are still viable and healthy or in need
for some kind of respectful conclusion.
Good questions, but ones
that I think can only be answered on a series by series basis. I’m sure I’ll
know with Quinn, though I’ve already put some things in place that could see
the series continue even if he starts to take a back seat at some point. I like
series where characters grow, whether in a good way or bad, and that’s what
I’ve been doing with Quinn, and to a lesser degree at this point with Logan.
So, naturally, they’ll come a point where it’s time to draw it to a close. Or,
perhaps, just take a lengthy break. We’ll see.
8. Finally, tell us about
your latest efforts. What's next for a book? Any nibbles for something of your
creation perhaps becoming a movie(s)? And who, in your opinion, will play the
Jonathan Quinn character?
The next book is book three
in my Project Eden Series. I’m hoping to have it out in early June. I left book
two, EXIT 9, off on a pretty big cliff hanger (and that’s actually an
understatement), so I have several readers who will be pounding on my door if I
don’t get the next one out soon!
Have had several nibbles on
the Quinn series but no full on bites yet. Fingers crossed! I think Nathan
Fillion would be a great Quinn, or Jeremy Renner would also do a fantastic job.
Honestly, think I’d like to see Quinn as a TV series on one of the innovative
cable networks, though I’d take a movie if someone wanted to do that!
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