Monday, February 6, 2012


The 'What If Factor . . .'

An ingredient absolutely critical for a writer.  Pictured here is the new cover for the Fantasy short-story series I want to write featuring a character of mine called Roland of the High Crags.  Roland is a warrior, monk, and wizard.  Living in a world of dark parallel universes connected by a continum called The Netherworld.  Call it the After Life . . . call it an Alternate Dimension.  Call it Hell or Hades, if you want to.  But The Netherworld is where all immortal things exist.  Including concepts like Good and Evil and Magic.  And your Doppelgangers for a myriad of different universes.

Not just the simple Fantasy of formulaic repetition we seem to be stuck in these days in this genre.  What I have in mind is something that could be both highly adventurous and extremely creepy/horrible at the same time.

That's imagination.  Creating a world of complex values and sights and sounds and tastes never before encountered.  Or . . at least . . . rarely encountered.

Yet in so many genres I love this talent seems to be stilted, if not severely curtailed altogether.  It's as if writers today can't . . . or won't . . .allow their imaginations to soar.  To visualize something extraordinary.  Sure, sure . .. we get critics who will claim one author or another's vision as being brilliantly conceived.  But . . .  really?  Have you really read something recently that just fired up and exploded your five senses into a whole no realm of possibilities?

The above image is the creation of Javier and Jesus Carmona.  Two brothers living in and around Madrid, Spain.  Not profession just yet.  But their artist talent is right there with the best of them.  Their visualizations of my words and descriptions are fantastic to experience.  I specifically described to them what I wanted.  We had an interesting back-and-forth discussion over details.  And then the final product.  Marvelous!

I hope I can get them to work on an image I have for another character of mine.  The dark eye, cold hearted assassin named Smitty.  If I can describe specifically the image I have in mind that these two can render in their art . . . the image will be absolutely stunning!  And if it comes into reality, it will be a fabulous cover the continuation of the Call Me Smitty series I recently had going.


Find it. Mold it like clay in your mind.  Don't be afraid to use it in your writing. 


  1. Very insightful and very well written B R... hope they will do a cover for Smitty

  2. We are working on one, Whit. Sort of an avante-garde pen and ink that'll be eye-catching. I hope!

  3. Well said, BR. Too many times I've been halfway through a novel (or even a short story), and I make the decision not to complete it because what's the point. The ending is usually quite predictable. There's too many writers out there who sit down and think, now what can I write that will sell? That should never be anywhere in a writer's thought or planning process. A writer should write what they've created in their head and share. If it's marketable, yay. But even if only a few enjoy it, or even if the writer alone gets something from it, then so be it. Be proud of it and keep creating. Dollar signs or popularity should never be what drives the work. It should be the writer's imagination. Thanks for reminding us all.

  4. Joyce, I find it hard to believe you have difficulties writing stories with unpredicatable endings.

  5. I should have been clearer, BR. What I meant was, when I am READING a novel or a short story, some endings are quite predictable. NOT the ones I'm writing!

    1. At least I hope nobody can ever figure out in advance where my stories are going to end up! (lol)

  6. I meant to say also what a terrific cover that is. They really do excellent work!
